LUMOMAT, a project which is supported by the Région Pays de la Loire, aims to develop molecular materials forelectronics and photonics, by considering simultaneously Research, Training and Innovation issues.
LUMOMAT is a consortium of 4 research laboratories bringing together nearly 300 researchers, supported by the ANR, the Pays de la Loire Region, the Universities of Nantes, Angers and Rennes, the ENSCR and the CNRS.
These researchers have recognised and complementary expertise in research into functional organic materials and their development into organic electronics and photonics. This consortium offers an interdisciplinary chemistry-physics approach, from the design of molecules to components. These organic materials have a wide range of applications, including new-generation photovoltaics, organic LEDs, sensors, imaging, logic memories, etc. With LUMOMAT, the researchers aim to raise the profile of this field in the west of France by stepping up research resources (research staff, dedicated platforms), strengthening partnerships with industry and developing a strong international policy.
A Master's degree in Chemistry dedicated to this field was created in 2014, and is taught on the sites of the Universities of Nantes and Rennes (M1) and Angers (M2).
This LUMOMAT Master's degree has an international focus (teaching in English, multiple European partnerships) and provides cross-disciplinary training in chemistry with a strong specialisation in the field of organic materials and their applications. This original range of courses has been developed in partnership with industrial players in the sector.
The M2 LUMOMAT has been open to sandwich courses since 2017, as has the M1 LUMOMAT in Rennes, which will open in September 2022.
LUMOMAT, in conjunction with local socio-economic players, aims to structure a complete innovation ecosystem in the field of organic electronics and photonics.
The project encourages partnerships and collaborative initiatives and is based on the creation of an open technology platform dedicated to organic components. This approach is supported by collaborations with manufacturers such as ARMOR, SERIBASE and SDI Marquage.
To position Western France on the international stage in the field of organic electronics, by simultaneously considering the Research, Training and Innovation aspects, in order to meet the industrial challenges posed by this high-potential sector.
LUMOMAT en chiffres
200 researchers and lecturers and around
100 doctoral and post-doctoral students
4 research laboratories
3 Research areas
- Energie : Photovoltaïque organique, OLEDs comburants solaires, photosynthèse artificielle
- Santé et Environnement : Capteurs et sondes moléculaires, imagerie, photothérapie
- Stockage de l’information : nanomatériaux photoluminescents - photoactifs, pour la photonique, l’électronique, la spintronique
108 million budget
ANR, CNRS, Universities of Angers, Nantes and Rennes, ENSCR, Pays de la Loire Region, Brittany Region, Angers Loire Métropole, Rennes Métropole…
ANR, Région Pays de la Loire,
CNRS, Universités d’Angers, de
Nantes et Rennes 1, ENSCR,
Angers Loire Métropole
Cheffe de Projet
Chargé de partenariats
Site internet